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Kiina Matkalaukkujen luokka Valmistaja, toimittaja, tehdas

NingBo Plastic Metal Product Co.,Ltd (P&M) emphasizes quality control and production efficiency in product development and manufacturing. Our strict quality management system guarantees products that meet global standards and customer needs. We prioritize optimizing production processes and enhancing equipment utilization to lower costs, ensuring competitive pricing. Serving as a manufacturer, supplier, and wholesaler, we aim to minimize redundancy while luggage category that align with market demands.We are manufacturer, supplier, and wholesaler.

Plastics are widely used in the agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry industry, which plays an important role in improving production efficiency, protecting crops and animals, and improving environmental conditions.

luggage category play an important role in agricultural irrigation systems. Plastic pipes are corrosion, pressure and durability resistant and can be used to transport water to farmland. Sprinklers provide the right amount of water to moisturize plants by spraying water evenly onto crops. These plastic irrigation systems increase water use efficiency, reduce water wastage and help farmers achieve precise irrigation.

luggage category such as plastic bags, plastic crates and plastic pallets are widely used in packaging and transportation of agricultural products. Luggage category materials are lightweight, strong, moisture- and insect-resistant, protecting agricultural products from damage and prolonging the freshness of goods. Plastic packaging can also improve the transportation efficiency and market competitiveness of agricultural products.Our company provides production services for recyclable plastic molds and products, led by PLA. The industry must persist in innovating and enhancing operations to cater to diverse sectors and customers, offering efficient, eco-friendly solutions.

Luggage category improvement remain imperative to address sectoral needs effectively while advancing sustainability in operations.

Our expertise spans across a diverse array of products across multiple industries, including automotive components, home appliance parts, electronic enclosures, medical devices, everyday essentials, toys, and more. By tailoring the injection molding process and equipment to match distinct material properties and customer specifications, we excel in manufacturing top-tier plastic products:

(1)Designing Mold Drawings

Needs Analysis: Engage with clients to grasp product functionality and usage requirements.

CAD Design: Utilize software like SolidWorks or AutoCAD for three-dimensional mold modeling, encompassing structure, cavities, cooling channels, etc.

(2)Material Selection and Preparation

Choosing Materials: Opt for appropriate mold steel (e.g., P20, H13) based on product characteristics and mold application.

Procurement: Source raw materials as per design specs, ensuring quality aligns with standards.

(3)Fabricating Mold Components

CNC Machining: Employ CNC tools for precise processing of mold cavities, cores, etc.

Electric Discharge Machining (EDM): Use EDM for intricate shapes, ensuring accuracy.

Grinding Machine Operations: Fine-tune molds for superior surface finishes.

(4)Mold Assembly

Part Inspection: Verify processed part dimensions and surface quality against design requirements.

Assembly: Build parts (cavities, cores, guides, etc.) as per design schematics.

(5)Mold Testing and Fine-tuning

Trial Runs: Install mold on injection molding machine for test production, monitoring functionality.

Adjustments: Modify mold parameters (e.g., cooling flow, pressure) based on trial outcomes to meet quality standards.

(6)Final Quality Check and Delivery

Comprehensive Inspection: Assess samples from trial production for size, appearance, and performance.

Delivery: Upon confirming accuracy, provide clients with the mold along with relevant usage instructions and maintenance guidance.

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Muovipussin annostelijan muotti

Muovipussin annostelijan muotti

Ningbo Plastic & Metal Products (P&M) on Kiinassa Zhejiangin maakunnassa sijaitseva tunnettu muovitehdas, joka on erikoistunut huippuluokan ruiskumuottien tuotantoon muovipussien annostelijamuotteihin. Yli 15 vuoden kokemuksella alalta olemme loistavia näiden muottien suunnittelussa ja viimeistelyssä.

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Muovinen käsilaukku ruiskuvalu

Muovinen käsilaukku ruiskuvalu

NingBo Plastic Metal Product Co., Ltd (P&M) on ammattimainen ruiskumuottitehdas. Kehittyneiden tuotantolaitteiden ja teknisen tiimin avulla olemme sitoutuneet tarjoamaan asiakkaille korkealaatuisia räätälöityjä muovisia käsilaukkuja. Tehtaallamme on laaja kokemus eri teollisuudenalojen tarpeiden täyttämisestä, mukaan lukien muoviset käsilaukut ja niin edelleen. Keskitymme laadunvalvontaan ja käytämme tiukkaa testausprosessia varmistaaksemme, että jokainen muotti täyttää asiakkaidemme vaatimukset. Tarjoamme myös täyden valikoiman ennakko- ja jälkimyyntipalveluita ja teemme tiivistä yhteistyötä asiakkaidemme kanssa varmistaaksemme, että he saavat tyydyttävät ratkaisut. Olipa kyseessä pieni- tai suurtuotanto, pystymme vastaamaan asiakkaiden tarpeisiin ja pysymään kilpailukykyisinä markkinoill......

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